“Laying down roots for the future”

Copies of the setting's policies and procedures are available for you to see at the setting.
The setting's policies help us to make sure that the service provided by the setting is a high quality one and that being a member of the setting is an enjoyable and beneficial experience for each child and her/his parents.
Safeguarding Children
Poplars aims to provide a friendly, welcoming environment where all children feel safe, secure and free from harm. We promote and safeguard the welfare of children in our care, which includes protecting children from maltreatment, preventing impairment of children’s health or development and ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care. We have a duty of care to refer any allegation, complaint or concern received relating to a child to Social Care or the police. A copy of our Safeguarding Children Policy is available for parents to read.
Special Educational Needs
We aim to provide equality of opportunity for all the members of our Pre-school, and this includes children with special educational needs. We believe that all children are regarded with equal value and children with additional needs are supported and cared for depending on their requirements. We work in close liaison with professionals across the range of special needs and we operate within the Government’s Code of Practice on Special Educational Needs. Our Safeguarding policy is in our Policies and Procedures file which is always available for you to read.
Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is Sammy Orton
Complaints Procedure
Poplars are committed to working in close partnership with parents. We place great value on the role which parents and carers can play in supporting children’s learning and actively encourage a positive relationship between us and the families of children who attend. If, at any time, you have a concern about an aspect of life at Poplars, the concern will be dealt with as quickly, sympathetically and effectively as possible. It is hoped that most concerns will be settled amicably at this stage. However, if there is a continuing concern, this can be directed through the formal stages as outlined in our complaints procedure.
Poplars Group aims to ensure that all sections of the community receive accessible information, and that our admissions procedures are fair, clear and open to all parents who apply for a place.
We are welcoming and make it clear that fathers, mothers, other relations and carers and childminders are all welcome. We operate in a way that encourages a positive regard for and understanding of difference and ability, whether gender, family structure, class, background, religion, ethnicity or competence in spoken English.
Inclusion, Equality and Valuing Diversity
We actively promote inclusion, equality of opportunity and value diversity. We do this by promoting identity, positive self-concept and self-esteem for all children through treating each child as an individual and with equal concern, ensuring each child’s developmental and emotional needs are recognised and met.
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